I worked in media for nearly 20 years.

Due to several unfortunate circumstances, I have had to go “independent” like so many before me. Cancel Culture is real and it makes it “scary” for companies to hire someone like me who has a very public career writing and reporting right-learning/conservative news.

I have to find places where I can work and promote unimpeded and uncensored. I have to regularly spread the word so I can get the traffic and eyeballs, and ergo, the income to support myself.

This is my livelihood. I don’t get SSI, disability, or welfare. I am surviving on what I can earn through my works and hustling with books, one-off gigs, merch sales, tip jar, etc.

So I sincerely apologize if it is annoying or confusing or if you don’t understand what the big deal is, why I moved the blog, or why I am “off” FB (mostly) and other “mainstream” social media platforms.

I organically (no paid promotions or ads) had nearly 10,000 followers on my author page on Facebook when they started hitting me and unsubbing my followers and giving me fake strikes, thereby throttling me more.

In the end, I only had about a hundred or so followers who could actually see me in their feed with FB regularly trying to extort me for payments in order to get a few hundred more views on any given post. I refused.

I have to be where I can work and I can report and I can share the truth that propaganda media isn’t. I have to be where YOU can speak freely, as well. And see me!

So that is why I shuffled things around and have moved my blog. I am trying to survive and keep my bills paid, including medical (I have no medical coverage, medicaid, medicare, etc).

I am single, so it is ALL on me.

So the blog and other content is now on my locals community (link below), which is FREE to you to join. And bonus, you can share the content there to other social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter (at your own peril).

You can buy a paid membership (I currently have no “premium” content) or send one-time gifts there, if you wish, but it is not required. It’s just one more way you can support my work, which I greatly appreciate.

I will be moving my merch store and loading it with all new items and designs. My latest book is still for sale and I still have the requested tip jars. All those links are on my website (link below).

Thank you for understanding and for your ongoing support! I so appreciate you all!



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